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Upgrading CloudFormation for an Amazon ECS agent


This guide is applicable to Dagster+.

In this guide, we'll show you how to upgrade an existing Amazon Elastic Container Services (ECS) agent's CloudFormation template.

Note: To complete the steps in this guide, you'll need permissions in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allow you to manage ECS agents.

  1. Sign in to your AWS console.

  2. Navigate to the deployed stack and click Update.

  3. Select Replace current template. You can specify a specific Dagster+ version or upgrade to the latest template.

    If you have deployed your agent into its own VPC, use the following:

    To use the latest template

    To specify a version

    If you are deploying the agent into an existing VPC, use the following:

    To use the latest template

    To specify a version

  4. Proceed through the remaining steps in the wizard.

When finished, the agent will be re-deployed using the newest image and Dagster version.

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