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Build pipelines with AWS Lambda


This article focuses on using an out-of-the-box Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda resource. For further customization, use the open_pipes_session instead.

This article covers how to use Dagster Pipes with Dagster's AWS Lambda integration to invoke a Lambda function and execute external code.

Dagster Pipes allows your code to interact with Dagster outside of a full Dagster environment. The environment only needs to contain dagster-pipes, a single-file Python package with no dependencies that can be installed from PyPI or easily vendored. dagster-pipes handles streaming stdout/stderr and Dagster events back to the orchestration process.


  • In the Dagster environment, you'll need to:

  • Install the following packages:

    pip install dagster dagster-webserver dagster-aws

    Refer to the Dagster installation guide for more info.

  • Configure AWS authentication credentials. If you don't have this set up already, refer to the boto3 quickstart.

  • In AWS, you'll need:

  • An existing AWS account with access to Lambda

  • Permissions that allow you to create and modify Lambda functions

Step 1: Create a Lambda function

First, you'll create a Lambda function using the AWS UI.

Step 1.1: Create the function in the AWS UI

For simplicity we're demonstrating this step using the UI, but you can also do this programmatically. Refer to the AWS Lambda documentation for more info.

  1. Sign into the AWS console.
  2. Navigate to Lambda.
  3. On the Lambda page, click Create function.
  4. On the Create function page, fill in the following in Basic information:
    • Function name - Enter a name for the function. For example: dagster_pipes_function
    • Runtime - Select Python 3.10
  5. Click Create function.

After the function is created, you'll be redirected to a page like the following:

The lambda function details page in the AWS UI

Step 1.2: Add a dagster-pipes file

Next, you'll add dagster-pipes to the function.


For simplicity, we're going to copy the contents of the single Dagster Pipes file and add it to the function. While this means we won't automatically receive future updates, Dagster aims to only make changes that are backwards-compatible. This means we'll have to periodically check for updates, but it's unlikely we'll have to update our code in any significant way.

  1. In the Code source section of the page, add a new file. This can be accomplished with File > New file or by clicking the green + icon next to the open lambda_function tab:

    Highlighted New file option in a menu of the Code source section on the Lambda function details page

  2. In a new browser tab, navigate to the following URL:
  3. Copy the contents of into the new file you created in AWS. Note: We recommend adding the source link and the date you copied the contents to the top of the file as comments:

    The copied contents of the Dagster Pipes file into a file in the AWS UI

  4. Save the file as

Step 1.3: Add the code to execute to the function

In this step, you'll add the code you want to execute to the function. Create another file in the AWS UI - or use the default file created by the function - and paste in the following code:

from dagster_pipes import PipesMappingParamsLoader, open_dagster_pipes

def lambda_handler(event, _context):
with open_dagster_pipes(
) as pipes:
# Get some_parameter_value from the event payload
some_parameter_value = event["some_parameter_value"]

# Stream log message back to Dagster"Using some_parameter value: {some_parameter_value}")

# ... your code that computes and persists the asset

# Stream asset materialization metadata and data version back to Dagster.
# This should be called after you've computed and stored the asset value. We
# omit the asset key here because there is only one asset in scope, but for
# multi-assets you can pass an `asset_key` parameter.

"some_metric": {"raw_value": some_parameter_value + 1, "type": "int"}

The metadata format shown above ({"raw_value": value, "type": type}) is part of Dagster Pipes' special syntax for specifying rich Dagster metadata. For a complete reference of all supported metadata types and their formats, see the Dagster Pipes metadata reference.

Let's review what this code does:

At this point you can execute the rest of your AWS Lambda code as normal, invoking various PipesContext APIs as needed.

Step 1.3: Deploy the function

When finished, click the Deploy button to update and deploy the function.

Step 2: Create the Dagster objects

In this step, you'll create a Dagster asset that, when materialized, opens a Dagster pipes session and invokes the Lambda function you created in Step 1.

Step 2.1: Define the Dagster asset

In your Dagster project, create a file named and paste in the following code:


import boto3
from dagster_aws.pipes import PipesLambdaClient

from dagster import AssetExecutionContext, Definitions, asset

def lambda_pipes_asset(
context: AssetExecutionContext, lambda_pipes_client: PipesLambdaClient
event={"some_parameter_value": 1},

Here's what we did in this example:

  • Created an asset named lambda_pipes_asset

  • Provided AssetExecutionContext as the context argument to the asset. This object provides access to system APIs such as resources, config, and logging.

  • Specified a resource for the asset to use, pipes.PipesLambdaClient, which is a pre-built Dagster resource that allows you to quickly get Pipes working with AWS Lambda.

    We also specified the following for the resource:

    • context - The asset's context (AssetExecutionContext) data
    • function_name - The name or ARN of the function to invoke. This info can be found on the function's details page in AWS. In our example, the function is named dagster_pipes_function
    • event - A JSON-serializable object containing data to pass as input to the Lambda function

    This argument is passed to the run method of pipes.PipesLambdaClient, which submits the provided information to the boto invoke API and then invokes the specified function (function_name).

  • Returned a MaterializeResult object representing the result of execution. This is obtained by calling get_materialize_result on the PipesClientCompletedInvocation object returned by run after the execution in AWS Lambda has completed.

Step 2.2: Create Dagster Definitions

Next, you'll add the asset and AWS Lambda resource to your project's code location via the Definitions object. This makes the resource available to other Dagster definitions in the project.

Copy and paste the following to the bottom of


defs = Definitions(
resources={"lambda_pipes_client": PipesLambdaClient(client=boto3.client("lambda"))},

Sometimes, you may want to transition data pipelines between development and production environments without minimal code changes. To do so, you can use the Resources system to vary the Pipes clients based on different deployments. For example, you can specify different configured boto3 clients. Or, you may handle the switch by swapping underlying AWS environment variables between deployments. For more info, check out detailed guides in Transitioning Data Pipelines from Development to Production and Testing against production with Dagster+ Branch Deployments.

Step 3: Invoke the AWS Lambda function from the Dagster UI

In this step, you'll invoke the AWS Lambda function you defined in Step 1 from the Dagster UI.

  1. In a new command line session, run the following to start the UI:

    dagster dev -f
  2. Navigate to localhost:3000, where you should see the UI.

  3. Click Materialize near the top right corner of the page, then click View on the Launched Run popup. Wait for the run to complete, and the event log should look like this:

    Event log for AWS Lambda run

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